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net current中文是什么意思

用"net current"造句"net current"怎么读"net current" in a sentence


  • 净电流
  • 净向流


  • The balance sheet starts with the total cost of its fixed assets and any trade investments followed by a breakdown of net current assets .
  • As at 30 june 2004 , net current assets and current ratio of the group were approximately hk $ 1 , 400 million and 1 . 59
  • As at 30 june 2004 , net current assets and current ratio of the group were approximately hk 1 , 400 million and 1 . 59
    集团于二零零四年六月三十日之流动资产净值为十四亿港元,流动比率则为1 . 59 。
  • When there are two or more options , then one must use net current value method , net year - end value method , cost current value and cost year - end value method to make a judgment and find the most optimal option
  • For deterministic project using single project analysis , one can use net current value method , internal benefit rate method and investment return rate method , and then use the results to determine the feasibility of the project
  • Mr cheung concluded . the group continued to maintain a healthy balance sheet . as at december 31 , 2002 , net current assets and current ration of the group were hk 940 million march 31 , 2002 : hk 688 milion and 1 . 69 march 31 , 2002 : 1 . 50
    集团的资产负债状况持续保持稳健,于二零零二年十二月三十一日之流动资产净值为九亿四千万港元二零零二年三月三十一日:六亿八千八百万港元,流动比率则为1 . 69二零零二年三月三十一日: 1 . 50 。
  • Together with the plant s upgrading the acquisition costs the group around rmb40 million . the financial position of the group remained healthy . as at june 30 , 2003 , net current assets and current ratio were approximately hk1 , 209 million december 31 , 2002 : hk 940 million and 1 . 86 december 31 , 2002 : 1 . 69 respectively
    集团的资产负债状况持续保持稳健,于二零零三年六月三十日之流动资产净值为十二亿零九百万港元二零零二年十二月三十一日:九亿四千万港元,流动比率则为1 . 86二零零二年十二月三十一日: 1 . 69 。
  • The group continued to be in a healthy financial position . as at december 31 , 2003 , net current assets and current ratio of the group were approximately hk 1 , 413 million 31 december 2002 : hk 940 million and 1 . 82 31 december 2002 : 1 . 69 . the net working capital cycle had improved from 132 days as at 31 december 2002 to 127 days as at 31 december 2003
    集团的财务状况持续保持稳健,于二零零三年十二月三十一日之流动资产净值为十四亿一千三百万港元二零零二年十二月三十一日:九亿四千万港元,流动比率则为1 . 89二零零二年十二月三十一日: 1 . 69 。
用"net current"造句  


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